A few words about the project…

  • The project “Provision of health care and social services to vulnerable population in the cross-border area of Greece and Bulgaria”, abbreviated as HS Care, is implemented by the Association of Cancer Patients and Friends of the Prefecture of Evros “Sinehizo” in cooperation with the Bulgarian municipalities of Strumyani and Topolovgrad as part of the cooperation programme Interreg V-Α GREECE BOULGARIA 2014-2020, and its main aim is the promotion of social cohesion and the creation of conditions suitable for the absorption of the disabled, disadvantaged children, the elderly suffering from psychological problems, cancer patients and their families, with actions like the creation or the renovation of the social servicing centers in Strumyani and Topolovgrad, and the creation of the Mobile Unit for the information and prevention of cancer in Evros.
  • It is included in the Priority Axis 4 (a cross-border area without blockade), Thematic Aim 09 (promotion of social cohesion and fight against poverty and every kind of discrimination), Investment Priority 9a (investment in health and social structures, which play a role in the national, prefectural and local development, in the reduction of inequality regarding health condition and the promotion of social absorption).
  • Cumulative budget of the effort amounts to 1.126.099,80€, of which 957.184,83€ are part of community share and 168.914,97€ rose from funding from the countries that take part in the programme (Greece and Bulgaria).